Are you looking for detailed information on trains running between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah Train time? This route is served by Eastern Railway using EMU trains designed for commuter travel. These trains cover a total distance of 60 kilometers, with an average speed of 37 km/hr, and are equipped for general class passengers. Below, we provide the complete list of train timings, train numbers, durations, platforms, and halts to help you plan your journey efficiently.
Diamond Harbour to Sealdah Train Time Table and Schedule
Diamond Harbour to Sealdah Trains Time Table
Diamond Harbour to Sealdah Trains Time Table | ||||||||||||
S.NO | TRAIN NUMBER | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Platform | Duration | Halts | ||||||
1 | 34811 | 3:00 AM | 4:45 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 45 Mins | 19 | ||||||
2 | 34813 | 4:00 AM | 5:35 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 35 Mins | 23 | ||||||
3 | 34815 | 4:40 AM | 6:14 AM | 3 | 1 Hour 34 Mins | 22 | ||||||
4 | 34817 | 5:30 AM | 7:08 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 38 Mins | 23 | ||||||
5 | 34819 | 5:52 AM | 7:36 AM | 1 | 1 Hour 44 Mins | 24 | ||||||
6 | 34821 | 6:52 AM | 8:30 AM | 1 | 1 Hour 38 Mins | 24 | ||||||
7 | 34823 | 7:42 AM | 9:25 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 44 Mins | 24 | ||||||
8 | 34825 | 8:25 AM | 10:09 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 44 Mins | 24 | ||||||
9 | 34827 | 9:15 AM | 10:52 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 37 Mins | 24 | ||||||
10 | 34829 | 9:37 AM | 11:08 AM | 1 | 1 Hour 31 Mins | 16 | ||||||
11 | 34831 | 10:08 AM | 11:45 AM | 2 | 1 Hour 37 Mins | 24 | ||||||
12 | 34833 | 11:02 AM | 12:40 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 38 Mins | 23 | ||||||
13 | 34835 | 11:55 AM | 1:38 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 43 Mins | 24 | ||||||
14 | 34837 | 12:50 PM | 2:28 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 38 Mins | 24 | ||||||
15 | 34839 | 2:00 PM | 4:00 PM | 2 | 2 Hours | 24 | ||||||
16 | 34841 | 2:50 PM | 4:30 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 40 Mins | 24 | ||||||
17 | 34843 | 3:40 PM | 5:18 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 38 Mins | 24 | ||||||
18 | 34845 | 4:05 PM | 5:45 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 40 Mins | 24 | ||||||
19 | 34847 | 4:48 PM | 6:25 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 37 Mins | 24 | ||||||
20 | 34849 | 5:25 PM | 7:08 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 43 Mins | 24 | ||||||
21 | 34861 | 6:32 PM | 8:10 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 38 Mins | 24 | ||||||
22 | 34851 | 7:10 PM | 8:48 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 37 Mins | 21 | ||||||
23 | 34853 | 8:07 PM | 9:44 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 40 Mins | 23 | ||||||
24 | 34855 | 9:00 PM | 10:40 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 39 Mins | 24 | ||||||
25 | 34857 | 9:40 PM | 11:19 PM | 2 | 1 Hour 37 Mins | 23 | ||||||
26 | 34859 | 10:15 PM | 11:52PM | 2 | 1 Hour 37 Mins | 22 |
Diamond Harbor to Sealdah Trains Details
- Route Operator: Eastern Railway
- Train Type: EMU (Electric Multiple Unit)
- Class: General Class
- Average Speed: 37 km/h
- Distance Covered: 60 km
- Platforms Used: Platforms 1, 2, and 3 (as specified above)
- Total Halts: Ranging from 16 to 24 per train.
These trains operate daily and provide a reliable connection for commuters traveling between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah.
FAQs for Diamond Harbour to Sealdah Train Route
Q: What is the total distance covered between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah?
A: The total distance covered between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah is 60 kilometers.Q: What is the average speed of the trains on this route between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah?
A: The trains operate at an average speed of 37 km/h between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah.Q: Are the trains between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah available daily?
A: Yes, all the listed trains between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah operate daily.Q: What is the train type used on the Diamond Harbour to Sealdah route?
A: The trains on the Diamond Harbour to Sealdah route are EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) trains.Q: Which class of travel is available for trains between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah?
A: Only General Class is available for trains traveling between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah.Q: How long is the travel duration for the fastest train between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah?
A: The fastest train between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah takes 1 hour 23 minutes (Train 34851).Q: How many halts are there on average between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah?
A: The number of halts ranges between 16 and 24, depending on the train, for the Diamond Harbour to Sealdah route.Q: From which platforms do trains typically depart at Diamond Harbour for Sealdah?
A: The trains typically depart from Platforms 1, 2, and 3 at Diamond Harbour station.Q: Are the timings for trains between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah accurate and updated?
A: Yes, the timings are based on the latest schedule provided by Eastern Railway for the Diamond Harbour to Sealdah route.Q: Can I expect seats in trains running between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah?
A: Since these are General Class trains, seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis for passengers traveling between Diamond Harbour and Sealdah.
Conclusion Diamond Harbour to Sealdah Train Route
The Diamond Harbour to Sealdah Train Time Table and Schedule is a vital resource for daily commuters relying on these dependable EMU train services. This guide equips you with all the essential details, including train timings, platforms, travel durations, and halts, to plan your journey effectively. Stay informed with the latest updates from Eastern Railway to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience on the Diamond Harbour to Sealdah route.